Hmm, speaking of shitty, do you guys know of a team that lost to a team proclaimed as 'Loserpool' by the fan who supports this team? No? Oh yeah, the one with the botakhead in the team, who this aforementioned fan describes as 'Superman'. Actually I dont know why.

Look at this. The REAL superman, big, strong, red cape, hot girl, superhot red underwear. Deflecting bullets with his nipples, shooting laserbeams like step-cyclops, red boots. Oh yeah, the laserbeams he shoots are red. and his logo is mostly red. Cool superman logo. Sleek black hair. I can go on and on, but I dont think anyone would actually still be reading up to this point, so why bother?

Now look at this. Do you see what I mean? This looks exactly like The-Guy-Shift-Proclaims-To-Be-Superman. What the hell, right? I mean, you could even go as far as to say what the f***-uck, but this is a family blog so its censored. The only reason why I put this picture in particular is because I cant find a botak picture of The-Guy-Shift-Proclaims-To-Be-Superman. Look at him. Fat, botak, yellow, botak, cant deflect bullets with his nipples, botak, eats chips in a blue packet. So uncool. SO uncool. Like AM's sign off, but not that bad. heehee.
Hey what the hell? WHAT the hell? This isnt bullshit! This is Man Shitty slander! Okay focus, its time to use the power of the enormous empat-kepala to good use! ITS BULLSHIT TIME! KAMEHADHSFSFJHEEFNA
Haha kamehameha. Sounds so lame. like Nabuto. But I dont watch hentai, so I dont know whether kamehamehahahahaha is from Nabuto or Drago(no)ballZ or some other hentai show. heehee, Drago no ballz. Its like saying Dragonball Z, except you put an 'O' in between the 'n' and the 'b', then it looks like Drago no ballz. Its like making fun of Drago, whose balls were cut off in an unfortunate accident involving a Polar Bear and a McFlurry. heehee, Im so funny.
Speaking of funny, have you met Forge?
Forge. Makes me think of bunnies. I dont know why. Maybe its because when I think of a forge, I think of bunnies. Get it? Forge? Bunnies?
EXACTLY my point. Forge isnt funny.
Hahahaha Im such a bastard. Sorry Forge, I just feel like a bastard today.
Staying on course, bullshit. WHAT the hell? Again. Why the HELL do they call it bullshit? And by they, I mean them. Actually its not just them, its *THEM*, with the asterisks and capitalisations and all. Seriously. I mean it. And by it, I mean the part where I say its not just them but *THEM* complete with all the bullshit and all. EH! See what I mean? Why do *THEY* call *IT* bullshit? Why? WHY? Z. HAHAHAHAHA IM SO DAMN FREAKING FUNNY IT HURTS YOU KNOWING THAT YOURE NOT AS FUNNY AS ME.
Hmm speaking of tissue, I need to go. Bye!
Not the tile,
No, just kidding. Im not going until I think of a better sign off.
Ooh! I thought of one, but I never said I was going to use it. Bye!
Not the tile,