Monday, November 12, 2007

We are the Young

The Class of '07's Batch Song - We are the Young

We are the young, the children of the world
We hold tomorrow in our hands
We are the young, the promise of a brighter day
The future waits at our command

Teach us well, teach us how to care
Give us love, love that we can share
As we'll walk hand in hand in the light of the rising sun
We are the young

We are the young, and so we look to you
To show us how the world should be
We are the young, we trust in your experience
To help us shape our destiny

Teach us well, teach us how to care
Give us love, love that we can share
As we'll walk hand in hand in the light of the rising sun
We are the young

That day is dawning
When we will be grown
We will inherit
This world for our own

We are the young, the children of the world
We hold tomorrow in our hands
We are the young, the promise of a brighter day
The future waits in our command

Teach us well, teach us how to care
Give us love, love that we can share
As we'll walk hand in hand in the light of the rising sun
We are the young
We are the young
We are the young

That was us, the Class of '07 singing our batch song at the graduation ceremony. And so, we finally graduated.

To my batchmates, Mavado, Kulubi and all the other idiots, thank you for making my four years in this damn school a blast. Even with the shit load of tests, assignments and all the other crap, every single one of you helped me pull through. Here's something to bring you down memory lane.

Remember the very first week of school in Sarimbun? The push-ups, Paul Lim, Searges What, Senthil and Armageddon. Remember that? Remember how we looked up so much to Ilman, Imran, Makmur, Faizul, Nadjad, Danni and the rest? Remember your first time in your CCA? Remember me getting stripped? Remember the late nights in school preparing for Juara Tari? Remember all the times in the Mat Room in the hall? To all the hockers, remember Balbir, his motosikal and how we prayed each day that he would die? Remember how we used to be so carefree and not give a about EOYs or shit? We were all children, kids as a matter of fact and maybe we still are. Those were the days.

Then in Secondary 2, remember how we were getting GPAs above 3 without even putting in that much effort? To people like Mavado, I know you did your best. Perhaps, you were born to fail in secondary school but become something great later on. Maybe like The Great Khali? Remember Malaysian Montage? Remember how in 2005, we saw Muzzle, Stittalicious, Ngok and the rest entering the school? Remember how Fing, as impossible as it may seem, appeared all innocent? It was as though he wouldn't hurt a fly. Remember how we had to choose subjects and we were oblivious to the importance of it? I mean like which idiot chooses Physics and Biology and leaves out Chemistry? Mavado, Mavado, once again you prove to us how dumb you can be. Those were the days my friends.

Then there was OBS in Secondary 3. Remember how we kayaked for hours? Remember carrying backpacks that weighed you down so much you just felt like passing it to Mavado? Remember walking for hours and still not reaching your destination? Remember how at Karnival IQ at RGS we met Mavado's twin for the first time? Remember the day Kulubi whacked the shit out of me and I still managed to survive and tell this tale? Remember looking at Khai, Dertile, Sewelicious and all the rest enter? Those were the days.

Then finally, we reached the ripe old age of 16 and we were in Secondary 4. Strange as it may seem, I feel it was in 2007 that we really came together as a batch. Remember, how the arrival of Pu-No-Who? She was the Umbridge and we were the Weasely brothers. Remember the rebellion? Remember all the times in the Mat Room? Remember the greatest cover-up in the history of mankind? Remember the times in Death Room 8 where a certain stressed-up lady kept screwing us? Remember kelas sebelah and kelas sebelah? Remember HMT 'O' Levels? Remember graduation ceremony and graduation night? Those were the days.

Those may have been the days my friends. But there are days to come. We may have left a legacy but now we're starting on a new journey. As long as we stay together, damn, there won't be any 'those were the days'. There'll only be 'these are the days'. These memories that we all hold so dear are not there for us to be sad about but something that we should be happy about. We have come a long way from 2004 in Secondary 1. Again, thank you, all of you.

To the Secondary 3s. Your batch is one of great potential in both sports and the area of academics. You all are a rowdy and playful batch but so what? Who the hell has better dribbling skills than Stittalicious? Who the hell has a deadlier right foot than Muzzle? Who the hell has a thunderous volley better than that of Fing? I say no one. Next year you'll be taken under the wing of She Who Must Not Be Named. Give her hell as long as she gives you hell. But when she really teaches you, listen well. She's a damn good teacher just that she's stressed. So to the Secondary 3s, have fun and cherish your last year in RI. I look forward to the time we meet again in JC.

To the Secondary 2s. You all are the closest batch. Keep it that way man. Go ahead and keep bullying Sewel cause he's really a sewel. Sewel, learn how to stand up for yourself lah. To the KC, good luck being idiots ah. You're missing out alot on the fun. You all are lucky so far not to have a retard as a teacher but soon enough, you will. And when you do, I trust you know what to do. You guys have a lot of potential. Work on it and you all will make it big someday.

To the Secondary 1s, to put it short, there are some mighty idiots in your batch. Seriously, eradicate the idea that since you are in RI, you are a bigshot. Learn to be humble and you'll be much more respected. Maybe, it's because you're just Sec 1s. Probably, I was like that too and maybe I still am. Who knows? But grow up quick, learn from your mistakes and you will gain my respect.

Back to the Secondary 4s, in my last post I told you all to end our year with style at Graduation Night. And hell, we did. We totally blew away everyone at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel didn't we? The pictures are below ah. I know ah you all wanna put on Friendster and Facebook semua. HAHAH! For more pictures, ask Kulubi ah.

And this is a little video tribute I put together for my batchmates.

Damn bloody video ends at 5 minutes. Fucking photobucket always spoils everything. So anyway, here's the rest of the list.

the inventor

the most flexible guy

the future president

the Ronaldinho

the Batista

the Arif

the budak giler

the Master

I spent dunno how long making this video ah. So you all better cry until your eyes dry up or something while watching it ah. Better ah, you bastards rarely appreciate shit. I don't care. Go put Clorox in your eyes until you cry or something. And Mavado, dah kena panggil master tu jangan kembang ahhhh.

To my comrades in the Combattenti Di Libertà, we are the young, the children of the world.

Damn, that was such an emo post,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 4:07 PM