Saturday, February 16, 2008

Death Week 1

Yep. Hello all. Once again, the Deathweek is upon us. But before we contemplate our impending doom, let us all look back in this past week to reflect upon what we have done. First, you need a mirror. Tak lah. It's called self reflection so all u need is urself.

Oh, and this reminds me of an incident. Not long ago. in the year 1958, the Busby Babes died. Dead. Most of them. Imagine what the world would be like if Duncan Edwards survived, he would have torn City apart so badly that they wouldn't even cease to exist. Oh, the horror of it all. So, guess who just had to spoil their 50th anniversary commemoration? MANCHESTER CITY. Thats right. Those filthy blue fucknuts just had no sense of pity for those who died. I am glad, however, that the honourable Red half of Manchester, the one, the only, Man U, did not embarass the memory of those who died. They could have thrashed Cuty, but in the spirit of remembrance, they decided not to play ruthlessly and even wanted to share the spills with City by giving them a draw. But City? Noooooooo. They had to go for the win. I mean, what the heck man.

Ok. Enuf about that. I can see Shift turning red already (haha, get it, Shift?). As tradition goes, most, if not all, the mats will be posted to either hockey or rugby. It is no surprise then that the past week has been busy. The hockers are having fun wiping their ass on lousy hockeying schools. However, seems like Finch wasn't having fun. I'm sure 1v1 wif goalkeeper u chp the ball to his stomach lah. its like open goal and you backheel wide. Just kidding lah Finch. Don't cry lah. Go toilet and dry ur eyes. Go. We will wait.

Ok dah. Meanwhile, us ruggers beat acs int. 70-0. End of story. Boring right? Oh, and I am glad we have found another true member of our mat community. Although he is still in sec 1, he is still dam cool. as in, he mixes with us like cornflakes mixes with milk. Chocolate milk. Ladies and Gentlemen, i have a dream. that one day, black people, and white people, can play together in the open field full of flowers nad butter files and when it rains, we will keep each other dry. Ah. Im pretty sure Mairtin Luther King's speech didnt go that way. I made up that bulshit. Say hello to Martyn! Hello. Yep. Martyn. Hello. As he is still underaged, he doesnt need protection from external forces and thus, he wont be getting a nickname yet. Ah. and this year's batch of sec 1s isnt so bad. inf fact, the onlt thing i like dun lke abt them is that almost all the sporting mats go to hockey. And the fact that Iman doesnt like to bathe.dats all. means, we can expect alot from them in the coming years. all they need is tender-loving care from ppl ike Happyman, Budak Giler, Dertile and Sewel. Whale!

Oh, speaking abt Sewel, i think the time is right to finally, ahem ahem, have fun, with the munjen Happyman. Those who went to hongkong shud know which sec 4 prefect who is in rugby i am talking about. He did a terrible thing. Let me relate the story:

"It was a nice afternoon and the development B-div team had just bullied the C-div team. In the spirirt of fun and pure innocence, i started chasing ****** around shouting "happyman!" this upset him for some reason and he quickly escaped. Then later, I, the ever innocent Fing, chanced upon another prefect, a friend of Stittalicious, called a ShangXuan. I happily dragged him to the field where Budak Giler, AM, Sewel and Shannon (description: a baby-cute guy who mixes with mats) were waiting like flies waiting for a spider. or is it the other way round? same diff. Anyway, we started 'playing' with him. as in literally. Playing with him. then out of the blue, ****** appeared and rammed sewel so hard he landed head first with all the body weight. Dam hecould have died. ******, wad were u doing man? then he startd blaming me, the usual thing munjens do. But its okay, u can put the blame on me, even though the blame's on u."

Ah. back to the reason for this post. Death Week 1 is here. On Monday, the sec 4s have to take a maths CCT. Ok lah. Not so bad. Maths isnt dat hard. But we have 2 kefahamans due on monday. Dam, She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is only just starting. And i have an effing hard geog assignment due on monday. And there is an ss test that i am not even aware of. So, if i don't make it, i just want u all to know how i will miss u all, how the sky always rains when the clouds turn grey, and how much fun we had in such a small space of time. Well, here goes...


Posted by Mat Raffles at 12:53 PM