Wednesday, August 1, 2007

the story of mavado

before i start writing anything, i'd like to pose a fairly simple question.

why is it in ark's hive?

anyway, i'm about to tell you the story of the origin of my fantabulastic name, mavado. one day, i was born. then a hell lot of days later, i became a mat. then another bunch of days later we set up a mat blog, and decided that we had to protect ourselves.

thus we came up with the ingenious idea of using nicknames. i was asked for my nickname.
and i was so bloody shocked that somebody's balls dropped off. seriously, i heard them bouncing.

so i started thinking of a name. i already had one, but i've been using that for too long. i needed something cooler. so i tried to think like J.K. Rowling (i spelt her name properly. RESPECT!), cos i thought the nicknames she gave her characters (Padfoot, Prongs, Wormtail, Moony) were cool.

first i needed an animal. that was pretty bloody effing difficult. i tried anyway, and after 2 hours, had a list of names that either sounded like chinese names, or were too dumb to own. on that fateful day, i went home and received an sms from an obscenity (ya know who i'm talking about).
in that vulgar message that reeked of his stench, that obscenity asked me for my nickname. i had no choice. i had to come up with something fast. so i chose mavado, without much thought. now, who's this mavado? this is him:
eh fcuk lah what's that bloody shortass doing here. screw off lah! ok, now for the real thing.

see the bigass brownish black dragon in the top left hand corner of the picture? look directly below him. the head closest to his belt belongs to mavado. here's another pic of him in case you're too bloody blind to see him in the pic above. btw you can click it to see it BIG BIG.
so there you go. a very long story to explain a simple phenomena.

btw, sub-zero is my fave character in the whole of mk and maybe even more. but i thought his name was kinda... obvious, or something to that effect. and since i'm not completely satisfied with my nick, i'll probably change it soon.

HAH! and if i do, it'll be so bloody problematic for ****le cos he's always messing around with the template and stuff, so he'll have to update everything. woohoo.

coming up on this blog:
Stories of Other, the Inferi Lookalike
The Blacklist (maybe)
Our Crest (i'm workin on that now. hope its well received. otherwise... eh i'm not even paid for this shit lah.ah what the heck.)
The Recruitment of MORE WARRIORS
The Battle of SR5
The Rebellion Masterplan
and ****les probably gonna cram the whole damn blog with stuff. ya know what, he and rif were complaining that there's so much wasted space. come on lah! what else you want?

weather widget? expandable window for all our photos? calendar? phonebook? embedded messenger? NOT ENOUGH?! but that's a good thing. cos you see, the thesis and antithesis get married and create a gooder blog.

thats all that philo has taught me. FUCK PHILO! sometimes.

AND! on the topic of anger. i think credit should be given where deserved. i'm speaking wholly for myself now. i think She Who Must Not Be Named has done a lot of good things. she taught me lotsa stuff, as i'm sure she did to many of you. teaching is not an easy thing, especially teaching a bunch of shitheads. but she still did. i know all the RRs are fucking crap, (funny ah i'm saying fuck now but i spell fuckle's name as ****le. people change. age catching up dei.) but its for our own bloody good. she doesn't want us to screw up this (if you had) one chance, one opportunity.

and what else can we do for malay, anyway? gossip? lepak? that would be nice, but...

SO. although she has done lotsa shit to us, i'd like to thank her for what good she has done for ME (i'm speaking for myself, remember. cos i'm not sure what you guys are thinking. especially since there seems to be lots of air up in yo heads. no lah just kidding. got lotsa stuff lah, happy? ), and i'd like to thank her for guiding me for 2 years.

i never forget the good things people do for me. and i think you guys aren't short of that, but your anger and what not is clouding your judgement. rethink your stance.

and to end off, i'd like to say that i'm officially changing my font to a slightly lighter shade of green cos my older one was a lil hard to read. i think. anyway its 2 29 and i have to really bloody SLEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!

good morning! (cos you see, you'll probably be reading this in the morning, and how stupid would it be of me to say good night to you in the morning! SHEESH!)

Posted by Mat Raffles at 2:01 AM