Monday, October 15, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya

Satu hari di hari raya,
aku menangis tanda disiksa,
aku menangis tanda ku takut

Satu hari di hari raya,
ku lihat wajah hodoh guruku,
ku lihat wajah ngeri cikguku,

Assalamualaikum semua.
Apa khabar?

Ramadhan sudahpun ciao, dan what's in is Syawal a.k.a. Hari Raya a.k.a. Happy macam mak kau punya kepala takder rambut cause no more puasa but got alot of money from my makcik and pakcik and my nenek but not my datuk who die already. Another reason to be happy is because right. You know what anot? You know ahhh....alamak! I forgot ah.

Hahahahah. No lahhh. Actually, it's cause no more EOYs. Finish already. That's why I typing here. If never finish I won't be typing but I will be studying. And SOO...the I am proud to tell you thatt.......(drum rolllll)...........the Order of the Pepek successfully managed to pulverize Voldy and his crew and get back our brains. YAHHHOOOHOOOO!!!

So how did we manage this near impossible feat? Well, as they (Beckham and his gay friends) impossible is nothing. Furthermore, we're the Combattenti Di Libertà. Obviously, we were successful. SOO..what we really did was we used Gred's one hell of a dick as a wand and prodded it into Voldy's behind while silently muttering the incantation, ENGORGIO! OOOOUUUUCHHHHHH!

So the Dark Lord has been weakened but I'm sure he'll be back for revenge once he recovers from soreness in the lower body. Gred really should go into hiding. He should bring Ron (his little brother) along with him. I've got a feeling Voldy's really pissed and he'd do anything to make both or ONE of them disappear. IT'S NIICEEE!

As such, our mission was a GREAAAt SUUCCCESSS! We are now liberated. Funny how the Combattenti Di Libertà has to liberate themselves to liberate others. Insted of 'We're a special task force set with the task of liberating the unliberated liberty-seekers', it should read, 'Your sister no hair'. HUHH?!!! HAHAHAHAH. If you can't convince, CONFUSE!

So now we are really free. Plus no puasa. YIPPPEEE! Damn, I'm bad. I'm supposed to be sad that Ramadhan's gone. Okay, I'm done being sad. THERE"S NO MORE EOYS AND PUASA LAH DOL! That means soccer everyday and whole lot of fun. HOW FUN IS THAT? DAMN FUUUUNNNN!!!!! Hahahahah.

There're alot of things that happened in this one month of absence. DMP period whilst studying was a bore so I shall leave that to Mavado. Then EOYS were the shit. Like one week of shit ah. Come to think of it ah. I screwed up a lot. Like a lot ah. A lot alot ah. Dunno how alot ah. So better not think of it. Then post-EOYS are the SHIT. Hell lot of fun things. Let's seeee. Wednesday was play soccer after exams thenthen go Bugis at night. Thursday was soccer whole day then go Geylang at night. Then Friday was Penin and Vivo whole day. Then yesterday was like Hari Raya.

However, the biggest cover-up took place on Thursday. I shall not reveal it here since it will no longer be a cover-up. But it was like soooo...WAAWWWEEEWWWAAA! HAHAHAH! Oh yar, before EOYs the kelas got the biggest ultimate mega gigantic scolding from She Who Must Not Be Named while kelas sebelah just somehow wiggled their way out and added oil to the fire. Jaga kau cicakkk. Aku next week avada kedavra kau ah. Mati kau! KAU ADALAH SATAN!

So I hope all you people can't you see can't you see. Eh alamak, ter-sidetrack. I hope all you people are having a great hari raya. I have collected like dunno how many packets and eaten like how many kuih tarts. NIICEEE!

So, I gladly look forward to meeting you assholes back in school next week. And sorry this post no pictures or videos cause don't have ah. HAHAHAH!

So long suckers,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 12:10 AM