Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Return of The King

Greetings Earth. I'm Buzz Wanker.
I Cum in Piss.

Hell man, that's as sick as a sickbay. How can you tarnish the name of Buzz Lightyear (the greatest astroboy ever) with such unpleasant things? But most importantly, how can you corrupt the minds of our innocent visitors? Or are they really? Well as a legend once said, there are two types of wankers. Honest ones and dishonest ones. I guess it's up to you to decide for yourself. However, I bet when half of you saw those words up there you were already aroused. Sick bastards!

Alright, coming (not cumming for cum's sake) back to what I wanted to say before what I said which makes what I'm going to say the second thing that I'm saying since the first thing that I said has already been said. Said said vote SAID!

Okayokay. Seriously, I'd like to apologize for my absence. I know you all have been craving for me like mouth-watering cats awaiting a delicious dish of fish. Fcuk, you sickos really know how to use your imagination. The only person to be blamed for my prolonged absence from this prestigious blog is the Dark Lord Voldy. The bastard, seeing he could not take me out with regular spells since I'm such a talented wizard, decided to bombard with me with other things which I at first, did not expect. These things included Common Class Tests (first we had CTs, then CCTs, and now CCTVs), Performance Tasks and like shit load of other things that required me to do work. I couldn't use any form of wizardry as he koped my precious Elder Wand and placed it on a babi. EVIL!

But I have taken care of all that now although it took much time. I also have ensured that Voldy will not return for quite a long time depending on how long he takes to retrieve his wand from Mavado's hair. Those forest of curls are really gonna piss Voldy off man.

Okay, so what have I, Fuckle, been up to. Well I failed my Maths CCT and Chemistry CCT. Expected lah. Biol-ogy and Feeziks not back yet. I hope I pass. If not, then nevermind ah. Even the best make mistakes sometimes. Below are some retarded answers from my Chem CCT. Enjoy. They're NIIICCEEE!

*oh mavado! i forgot. my cct is in my locker. everything's there. i promised myself not to study during the hols. ohwell, i'll take it tomorrow and post it then. in the mean time, enjoy this video.*

Bloody hilarious video lah. But very true. Listen up fellow Singaporeans! Cut down on the arrogance says the EVIL BUNNY! Go Happepill for more fun stuff. NIICCEE!!!

Oh yeah, Teachers' Day was two days ago. I wanted to buy a whistle for my PE teacher lah but terlupa. Mavado must have Obliviate!-ed me. Bloody dick. So to all teachers out there, thank you so much although what you're teaching us is I think quite useless. Who the hell needs Pythagoras or Ohm? We've got Lockhart the fag and Bagshot the retard. Get the Hogwarts curriculum man! For sadistic teachers like Pu-Know-Who and She Who Must Not Be Named who only wish to see students suffer, this game will certainly satisfy you tremendously and give you the pleasure you always wanted but never ever got from us.
Click here to Purify.

I also went to watch Rattata or dunno what cartoon movie on rats and The Bourne Ultimatum. Don't worry. No spoilers from me.

My name is Fleur Delacour. Zis movie is veghy good. Oui. It's NIIICEEE! Ze ghat is cute like my Bill alzough he has been fcuked up by Fenrir. I have gotten Zidane to headbutt him for hughting my Bill. He deseghves it, zat monstegh! It is as zough my Bill has been Sectusempra-ed! Anyway, zis movie iz in English. So don't woghy, be happy.

Shh! Classified Information. Top GGXX F2L Secret!
Agent 56w3894-88 reporting for duty. We have classified information on Bourne. He was last seen in humping the back of a humpback whale in the Pacific Ocean. We also have managed to tap his phone lines. The last person he called is identified to be this man.

Evan Almighty.
Their conversation is as follows.

Bourne: God. Please tell me who am I. I can't remember anything. Nothing.
Evan: Bourne, do you really want to know?
Bourne: Yes God. Please tell me. I beg you. I'll do anything you want me to do.
Evan. Really? Okay, I want you to kiss my beard. Then, I'll tell you everything.
Bourne: *french kisses the beard* Done, God! Now, please tell me.
Evan: That's nice Bourne. I really am turned on now. Okay, you are the offspring of two monkeys, Albert Einstein and Jackie Chan. That's how you got your overwhelming intelligence mixed with your deadly skill in the martial arts.
Bourne: Oh. Thank you God Almighty!
Bourne: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Yeah, so both movies were very good. If you're the kind like ooohhh, that rat is so cute go watch the rat one. If you're like oh man, Matt Damon is so cute go watch Bourne. I didn't understand Identity and Supremacy but Ultimatum pieced everything together. So go watch. NIIICEEE!

Oh yeah. I realized one more thing. The tagboard which is on the right for you dumbfcuks. >>>>>>>>>> There lah idiot! Okay, anyway, these past few days it has been getting very tension and a lot of vulgararities there with people arguing a lot. I don't care if you people not happy with one another. I just want this blog to be happy. So mantain sikit ah. If not happy also just smile. SMILE NOW! So yeah, please keep the tagboard happy. And why fight? We're all Malays aren't we? If we fight among ourselves, matilah. Bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh, so tolong, jangan bergaduh. Keep yourselves happy with this.

So that's all from me. I don't know when I'll be seeing you guys. My scar on my ass already hurts. Voldy must have gotten his wand from Mavado's hair. Damn! He must've used Johnson and Johnson's No More Tangles Strawberry Sensations. Alright then. Time to go off and duel.

Until next time,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 5:09 PM