Saturday, August 11, 2007

i'm sorri. but tt was extremely necessary in order for me, fighter 0034126 aka KULUBI aka themostfuckeduppersonintheworldcozifeelhellalotofshitinmyarseandmynose!!! to teleport to this world of great GOOGLELORD!!! and wiki wiki wiki wiki PEDIAAAAAAA!!!!

lemme tell u something. YES YOU la the one friggin diggin ur anus and smellin ur frigggin nasi ayam which you are gonna put in the oven coz be4 this u put in the fridge so now it's pretty cold. i will nvr forgett..... anyway i don't mean to be rude or anything well actualli i'm a very polite guy but WHAT THE FUCK I FINALLY FINISHED READING HAIRY POTTER!!! omggg!!!! so i'm gonna stop posting abt journey to completion of the Pen awards essay which i totally forgot wad happened so wad the heck and instead write on WHAT MY BRAIN CELL feels abt HAIRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY WEEK! yes next week is week 8 and there will be deaths no doubt abt it.

so WHAT?!?! so what if i'm the last and most lagging person!
so what if i am last to finish hairy POTTER!does it matter to windows LIVE MESSENGER!
so last night after reading the last sentence,"ALL WAS WELL" my brain cell said to me, eh KULUBI fuck u la...i'm feeling damn confused. how can someone like rowling exist? i mean who the hell is retarded enuff to think of such a story like this. wad the hell it's impossible. if u were to make me think up of one chapter from all seven books i wld rather study economic botany i tell u, BITCH!seriously sak. So after much thinking i haf reached a conCRUXIOOO!!!.. conclusion. LEGUMES! my conclusion is that...rowling is... a.......WITCH!!!!! nola not bitch... witch BODOH!!!!

yeah tt's rite she's a witch and she lives in the exact same world tt potter lives in. OHHH.. kau ingat aku tak tau eh rowling. kau ingat aku ni BODOH mcm mavado?eh tak mavado pandaii.. kau ingat aku bodoh mcm belakang parang kalau digosok kuat giler akan berkilat dan berkhasiat! no way... KEEP ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN!!! eh rowling i know tt u know of such a world!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA....2 be contiNUDE...

lemme end this song..
if u count to 10
and u look out of the nearest window.
and u look at the nearest tree
u'll see a cat stuck there.
and if i count one more time to 10
u'll see me pop out frm nowhere with a LONG DAGGER AND STAB THE CAT IN THE FURRR!! MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!

with great love towards tan koon beng
and may those brave souls who have prepared so hard for the upcoming battle rest in peas.

Posted by Mat Raffles at 9:12 PM