Sunday, July 29, 2007

Selamat Datang! (Welcome!)

Selamat datang ke blog Siapa Tanya! Blog ini merupakan suatu ruang yang baik bagi para pelajar Melayu Institusi Raffles untuk meluahkan perasaan-perasaan mereka, pengalaman mereka yang baik ataupun buruk dan sebagainya. Para pelajar yang ingin menerima maklumat yang terkini tentang aktiviti-aktiviti Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Institusi Raffles (PBMIR) juga boleh merujuk ke blog ini. Saya merayu kepada para pengguna blog ini supaya jangan menggunakan bahasa yang tidak sesuai demi kemajuan blog ini. Saya pasti dengan penggunaan yang betul, blog ini tentu akan makmur. Dengan itu, di atas semua perhatian dan kerjasama dan kamu semua berikan, saya dahului dengan ribuan terima kasih.

Translation: For all you buggers who don't understand the beautiful language of Malay please fcuk off!

HAHAHA! Just kidding!

What's written above is just a facade just in case She Who Must Not Be Named sees this blog. We all know the only language she understands is the beautiful Malay Language. Then again, she is the Dark Lordess and we all know that since Voldy is a Parselmouth and can speak to snakes, She Who Must Not Be Named must be a Pepekmouth and can speak to certain species of the reptilian family also such as lizards and insects like cockroaches. That's why till this day, she and Lipas can comprehend each other. Therefore, this blog has to be kept top secret so as to avoid the evil clutches of She Who Must Not Be Named. For all of you who have mouths as big as Grawp's anus, I kindly request that you try to keep it shut or we who hold this blog so dearly will take necessary action upon you.

Now, to the main event. Welcome, welcome to The Greatest Blog on Earth! Yes, The Greatest Blog on Earth! Once again, The Greatest Blog on Earth! What's that again? The Greatest B..okay that's enough you dumbass! As I said in Malay, this blog is for all you Malays in Raffles Institution to let everything out. Vent all your frustration on She Who Must Not Be Named or Pu-no-who yang berbulu, tell the world of your painful memories in Seminar Room 5 and 6 or elsewhere and such. And hell, for some of you nutters we will try to keep you laggers up to date of MCC events. Hell, for you sad people who don't understand Malay, Siapa Tanya means Who Asked in English. It's a long and lame story. Trust me, by the time I tell you the whole thing you'd have jumped down the Empire State Building. It's that stupid.

I think we should all thank Mavado for kindly helping us to set up this blog. It's not that he's the only one who's smart enough to set up a blog but just that he's the only stupid one to carry out such an act. HAHAHA! Joking, joking! So once again, thank you Mavado.

On a side note, please take care of what you say here so as not to lend yourselves in prison for defamation and slander although we all know you can Alohomora yourselves out but that's not the point. There're still the Dementors and all and we doubt you guys are true Animagi to hide your fears and such. So yeah, just watch out cause She Who Must Not Be Named is always on the lookout. And for all you, dimwits who are not embarrassed to be in the Raffles Malay community and aim to be famous, you can link yourselves from this blog. Just like what Severus has done although secretly. Lastly, we need some people who are good at designing the blog to come help us because we don't understand shit about HTMLMNOP, CSSTUVWXYZ and all that. Yeah, so come help us for the greater good.

Oh yeah, since Mavado will be writing in green, I, Fuckle, will be writing in white. Don’t forget to use different colours from one another and sign off using your nickname at the end. This will help ensure our safety from She Who Must Not Be Named, Pu-No-Who and hell, even Others. Yeah, so that's about it.


All characters in this blog are entirely fictional. Any resemblances to any existing persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

With Love,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 5:08 PM