Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Hello. My name is Fing. Fing-er. Fing.

As u all may have by now known, i am your father. No lah. i am the all so famous tagger called clown. Yes thats me. Mee goreng. And for those of you who was with me today, Finch, Stitalicious and Forge, you would have known that i have been able to withstand the inperious curse cast by none other than Pu-No-Who. I am the boy who lives. Now, to tell you my story, i have to tell you hers. Basically, i think she came from a troubled past and thats why she has a sense of humour which only Grawp understands. End of her story.

Today, we were interrogated for playing soccer in Azkaban Room 5. As Pu-No-Hu called the four of us so we could be tortured and be rightfully put back into our cages, I, being Fing, has a very short attention span. Thus, i looked at Finch and somehow, i laughed. Then Pu-No-Who asked, "Eh, awak ni kenape?" i said "tak de ape2. Saya teringat bende kelakar." And she went on. Then when she was Crucio-ing stittalicious, i looked at him, and somehow, again smiled. She then asked me the same qn. Then i answered "For fun." Then she said "eh awak tahu tak orang apa yang ketawa tanpa sebab?" then i said orang giler. She juat shrugged. Then, when she was Imperio-ing Forge, she said ".........was it a wrong mistake i made?..........." Forge and i, again, laughed. She then fumed at me and say things like i got high iq no eq this and that i am not serious and such. Even though I know, deep my heart, i will know, right from the start we will show, look where we are, we've come so far, and theres still along long way to go, its true, i cant help but deny it cos of Pu-No-Who's clownishness. Wawaweewa.

Wah. today, clowning with Finch was dam fun. Everytime he tried to enter Azkaban Room 7, i woud boom, CLOSE THE DOOR NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE! or i would say in a Harry potter-ish voice, "Parssword."

Oh btw,we, to my dismay, did not play hide and seek. Awwww. Say it again, Awwww. And again, Awwww.

Yours clownishly,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 8:16 PM