Saturday, August 11, 2007

i am going to post for the third time


eh first of all i'd like to say that fuckle is damn bloody super dee duper EXTRA ah. mod this blog until like WHAT siAk. got so many linksys everywhere, i think we should put in more stuff. like an exercise corner, a forum, a weblog, podcast, you name it. then we can really reach out to all you fellas, and make use of all the space available on the page.

my topic of discussion for today:
if you ever muntah (puke, vomit, throw up, fountain of health, flying food)in the train, please use your kepala HOTAK (brain, soft thing, fictitious organ). that day ah, you know ah, i went out with a coupla friends from many many races (they're all really cool ppl btw), then on our way home, in the train ah, one of my friends ah, (not a mat btw so he doesn't have a nickname, but to protect his privates, no mention of his name should be made) asked me if i smelt fresh baked bread.

then when the train cleared, we saw a big SOFT BREADY splatter of puke on the floor. UH HUH! the source of the supernice smell. and people sitting around it were all expressionless, like it was normal. hey guys, look, puke. oh, ok. MOVING ON. liddat.

then i noticed this one fella who was leaning against the grabrail thing, looking super sick and super pale. he must have puked. PLUS! there was brown sloshy stuff on his shoe. and he stayed there for some time, clinging on to this bag he had in one hand, while this lady, presumably his girlfriend ah, just stoned beside him, talking to him occasionally.

COME ON DEH! sick then get out lah! go see doctor or something. later vomit again how? kan leceh? then got different aromas some more. what if more people puked?

i suggested going up to the puke, sniffing it deeply, then puking all over the place, and maybe on the fella too. then we can ALL puke happily, then somebody can press the red button and tell the driver: got many many vomit! HAAAALP!

so, people, USE YOUR KEPALA HOTAKS. especially some of my close acquaintances: this message of mine i pray you shall reflect upon deeply.


Posted by Mat Raffles at 11:17 PM