Thursday, August 2, 2007

i seriously dont know what the title should be

hello! this is my first post.

and my first post shall be full of vulgarities and swear words. (arent they the same?)
oh but before that, we should really blog about the two games that we made up today. and the videos that we took of it. but ill let fuckle do the honours of spicing the post up so that the rest of you idiots would appreciate the game more and not call it merepek and idiotic. but ill give a clue on what the game is about. and the clue is :

trust fall (:

viewer discretion: if you have a soft heart and cannot take vulgarities, please do not read what is below. if you have a liking for fish-looking, fat, big nosed, oily women, do not read also as it will hurt your feelings deeply. but for the greater good, like what dumbledore did, i shall unvulgarify it abit.

anyway my post today would be more like what the Combattenti Di Libertà was firstly set up for. Like what mavado said, i have not much hatred for she who must not be named even though i still have my dislikes. but the one that i have so much hatred for that i think i can just burst with it spewing in me is the bloody, fat assed, big nosed, oily faced smelly breathed, big butted (oh wait all of them have big butts) PU-NO-WHO. trust me, the list of insults will go on. but to save the trouble for people who wouldnt want to read the list, ill cut it short. but thats the gist of it. pu -no - who the monster in a scarf and too tight clothes.

to start, pu-no-who is... the sworn enemy of kulubi. if you want details on why this is so, ask him himself. but the crux of the matter is, pu-no-who is a fat idiotic biatch who gets tired just by taking a group photo of us and rg people.

lets see, most of a certain batch* failed the malay cct. okay i know this batch is not the brightest and definitely not smartest.. (see example of us).. but we at least know how to pass a malay test.
but the reason why we fail is cause pu-no-who is so inflexible in her marking. okay i know she is physically inflexible. but marking-ly? comeon. the thing is, she only accepts answers straight from the answer sheet. if our answers are logical, but its not in the sheet then too bad we get wrong and we fail.

stittalicious asked "but the idea is there"
the reply was "you think i psychic? i wont know what your ideas are....."

i really have no comments for that one...

okay the insults WILL go on but i think for the benefit of the greater good (once again) i shall stop here.

yup this is a totally redundant post. but i need to vent my anger.

hope you guys like the videos that fuckle will be putting up!

with lotsa hate for pu-no-who,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 11:05 PM