Monday, September 10, 2007

Goodbye For Now

Assalamualaikum semua.
Jangan baca ajer! Jawab Waalaikumsalam. Nak gi neraka eh? Kalau tanak, cepat jawab.
Bagus bagus. Sekarang pergi solat ishak dan istighfah banyak banyak abih datang balik baca.

Eh dahbis? Belumlah!

Okay sekarang dahbis.

Alright. Here goes. DJ HEAT THAT BEAT! Buka music jiwang abih dengar baik baik.

I have sad and tragic news for all. Yes, I, Fuckle, come before you today to bring you the worst news you have ever heard in you entire lives. Yes, it is the worst. No, the news that Megan Fox already has a boyfriend is like kacang compared to what I'm about to tell you. Alright, here it comes. This blog will be temporarily closed from now till mid-October with immediate effect.

The reason being during my last encounter with Mr. Voldy Mouldy, I once again won but he now has my brain. He somehow Accio-ed it out of my head. Apparently, it was too small it could come out through my ear-hole or eartril or what ever you call that hole at the side of your head. Realizing that this could be done, he has asked his fag Shit-Eaters to go round collecting the brains of my fellow friends in the Order of the Pepek.

So now, all our brains are being kept at the Department of Mysteries. You know the thing that attacked Neville in the fifth book? That was actually Mavado's brain. It was too wild. It was normally kept under control by the curly wurly hair on his head which was actually acting as a leash and thus, the uncontrolled growth similar to that of the astroturf but now since it has no leash, it really is wild.

What is Voldemort doing of our brains you might ask. Well, I believe, he is using for an experiment known as the End of Years or in short EOYs. This is where the brains will undergo massive torture similar to that of you hearing me sing. Seriously. The brains will be put through multiple tests of a variety of subjects.

So yeah. I am now assembling a SWAT (Sewelicious Wrestlers and Testes) team to get these brains back. This will include hardcore revision and mugging. Therefore, there simply won't be any time to waste and hence, we can no longer post here cause that is an obvious waste of time. I know you all like to be entertained by us but please be considerate. Would you rather us post with or without or brains? I know lah for people like Mavado and me it doesn't make a difference but still, we need our brains to like...I dunno, cebok and stuff.

Once we get our brains back in October we will quickly get back to entertaining you selfish bastards, twats and pricks. But in the mean time, you can go entertain yourself by looking in the mirror or something. So yeah.

Anyway, here are the Chemistry test answers which I wanted to post but I didn't cause it was in the locker and I forgot to take when I go back to school in the holiday and so I put now.

Chemistry may be shit but Harry can fix anything.

This is retarded.

Shit, seriously, Voldy was disturbing me during the test. His face kept coming out of the paper saying I'll fail. So I decided to weaken him with differentiation and later avada kedavra his ass back to England.

Anyway, I failed the test. This is the reason why I can't post for now. Proper preparation leads to satisfaction. Since I didn't prepare for this test, I didn't get satisfying results. But obviously there are other ways of satisfying one's self. Like preparing for the EOYs. What were you pervs thinking?

As a great legend once said, failing to plan is planning to fail!

To the Combattenti Di Libertà a.k.a. Order of the Pepek, good luck! Especially the Sec 4s. This is our last test is this darned school man. Let's end it with a bang! I know a small group of us have been pulling the name of Melayu down in the school in terms of academics but I put it to you that we will do our very best. Even if we fail, we'll fail with style. So yeah, come on guys. All for one, all for me.

Goodnight, byebye, see you in October,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 10:01 PM