Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hello to all once again! Its me, Fing. First, i would like to say sorry cos i havent been posting cos i was busy doing lastminute preparations for slacking. No lah. I have been studying. So i can continue my usual First-Term-Ownage, which is a term used to describe a certain phenomena where i do very well in all my tests in the first term and then fizzle out in the rest of the year due to the holidays.

Yes, it seems odd, but the holidays are to blame for my slump. Lump. Ump. Mp. P. Echo sia sia sia sia..... okay time to go out to a non enclosed area for i have been in my head, an empty mass of space filled with stuff like my brain, blood, cerebral stuff i learnt in bio and all. Now wait. There is something wrong with what i just said. Think. Cmon now. Think. I know its hard for retards like Shift, but just think. Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock.

Ah forget it. I will tell you. I just said i have an empty head. Well, how can it be empty when theres a brain in it? haha. Bet u all didnt see that coming. And i bet avinash is gay. Yup. im digressing but what are digressions for if not to waste time and confuse people? Anyway, The holidays. Yes. In week 9 and 10 of every term, i would be in full steam doing all my homework and stuff ON TIME. Then the holidays come and i turn off my switch. And the slump lump ump mp p begins. WOULD YOU STOP IT? I play games and find out once again how nice it is to not work and just relax. So, naturally, i wouldnt want to slip into high gear after feeling the niceness of relaxing. Hope that clears up my slump lump ump mp p thing. FUCK YOU STOP IT!

Ah on to new things. Recently, or rather, Today-ly, our beloved member scored his 16th goal of his life. No lah. He celebrated his 16th birthday. YOu all stoopid or what? Anyway, Happy Birthday to MUZZLE uzzle zzle zle le e! Yep. Though its quite sad. All he got today from all his collection of good friends is a card with all our names on it. Kesian. Nvm. He probably didnt knw that the card was a decoy. Whoops. And he probably didnt know that we would be giving him stuff tomorrow. Whoops again.
So muzzle, if you are reading this, please dont be sad.
Be mad.
Wear a hat.
Pat a cat.
Kill a rat.
Dont get wet.
Fly in a jet.

And i can go on forever. Trust me. Ask Sunami. We played rhymer whymer and i pwned him like 1 million to one. Shit lah. This is all Finch's fault. He started this rhyming thing. His trademark phrase:
"What the hell, What the bell, What the smell, What the fell"
Is simple yet so stupid that i like it.

and to make it worse, munjens like it. Which isnt a good sign. Like good 'ol Biq. He get amused by lame stuff. So i think he and Forge should get along very well. But i though i love the ingenious phrase, it still irritates me when i hear it at nite before i sellp, in my head. No thanks to Forge. So thanks, but FUCK YOU OU U!

Ah. i kind of like the echo stuff.

On to trivial news. Man u beat roma 2-0 in italy.

See? simple does it.

Eh anyone iterested in the YOG? its cool. Too bad theres no rugby. but theres hockey, so at least patnic patch and finch and dertile and all can have a go. But why though. Why is there no rugby? its unfair. Hey, i just realised. There is no yoga in YOG. i guess the a in yoga can be converted to CAPS for the rest of the letters. Ah. there i go again. Thanks Forge.

Now i have run out of stuff to talk about. see lah. thats what happens when u got no brain. Ask Shift. Shift? oh Shift? ah. i guess apart from brain, he got no ears. haha.

Oh ya. In a serious note, seriously, as in serious lah. Can u dont laugh? i'm trying to say something important here. It could affect the blog or worse. Ur dicks. Im serious. I will cicumsise u all again if something bad happens cos u all nv listen to me. Except patnic. I will just dingolfee him. Ok here it is. I want to appeal to all you nutheads, aka mats, sec 1 to sec 4, to reignite the flame Fuckle brought upon us. I mean, where have all the stupid stuff we used to do gone to? Cmon man. or men. Do stupid stuff. Wreck havoc. Break records or bones. anything! speaking of which reminds me of Muzzles hand. Its broekn. But hey, lets not make it worse by talking about it. Ad seniors, i expect better. We should be setting benchmarks for the juniors to follow. Esp. Shift. Retardedness alone isnt enuf.

Well, thats all for this time. Till next time, keep track of time ime me e. HAIZ, FORGE.

With love like a dove from above burns on a stove,
Fing ing ng g.

Posted by Mat Raffles at 8:52 PM