Sunday, May 4, 2008

WTF not again....


Im back. Back inside your backside.

Whew. I finally realised how it feels like to mug properly for a test. It was horrible! Like, shit man. I study so hard for chem just to hear rumors that i failed the mcq part. Either i really did fail the mcq part and im a dumbass (which is probably true), or, some asshole decided to try and make me feels bad or demoralised or suff that can make me jump off the second floor of the junior block. It wont kill me, but it will definitely hurt like hell. If the latter is true, i will seriously kick the guys ass so hard that he will fly to China and even the chinese there will say, "Eee, his ass is an imitation."

Ok. Thats enough insulting myself and china in one paragraph.

Btw, Sewel has posted! WOOHOO! Soon, the floodgates will open and all the dormant, sleepy sec threes wil finally be awaken. Speaking of which, i find that almost every morning, I find a certain creature in a deep slumber. He will wake up when he hears the sound of soccer balls hitting the wall and sounding as if the whole dam thing is going to collapse. Say hello to:
Ah. The beauty of it. What feels nicer than to sleep early in the morning just after arriving for school and knowing that you have not studied for a test? Nothing, of course!
Then again, nothing also feels closer to nature than a lizard. Why? Cos we have an abundance of it in this school! Dont believe me? Check it out.
Ok that was only one lizard. But if you were observant enough, you would notice that it was standing on a rock. A huge rock. Why? this is because, underneath that rock, there is a hole. Not that hole, you pervs. A hole where a whole swarm of lizards live. I know that because i have seen it before. Really. Wah u all dont believe me? fine. Be like that. Later when you all penat and want to sit on that rock, then you know. Then you can post a picture of your asses after you encounter the lizards. Cos they are not friendly.

Anyway, on to the latest craze to hit the mud. Recently, our dear member, who hasnt posted since the dinosaurs started to eat each other, Gred, discovered a talent of his. He could wall-walk! like, amazing sia. Hes gotten so dam pro at it, he can wall-walk over 5 chairs placed along the wall, side by side. Whoa. He even attempted to jump off the wall and do a backflip. Unfortunately, he only ended up landing on the floor looking retarded, like this.

Yep. Hes good. I cant even do 2 chairs. Call it psychomotor problems. I dont care. I just think my feet has got no grip.

Anyway, I should really be going to study Bio. Like wth man. I studied Excretion in the bloody long notes for 2 day only yo realise that i did not know how to answer the key understanding questios after that. Sigh. Talk about trying to work hard.

Oh, that isnt a stunt. Thats just Patch being retarded.

Until I finally pass my chem test, Chiaoz.

PS: the day before yesterday was my birthday. u know, the date i was born. so, hooray!
PPS: Deathweek is upon us again. Please study hard to produce an admirable result. Then Punani cant say we are losers.


Posted by Mat Raffles at 7:41 PM