Sunday, August 26, 2007

CiS: The New Crack

*warning! overloading of this webpage might occur due to the amt of picts i put here*


Patch! here to bring to your attention on a certain product made by one of my batch-mats and tested by other Sec 3 mats when we were sewel. (proper AND codenames will not be revealed here as that information is clearly classified)

i bring to you : *JENG ! JENG ! JENG!*


As u can see, this CiS is made up of household foodstuff u can kop at home (or school if your mother dun let u kop) The reason y i call this CiS will be explained later

*warning! overloading of this webpage m
ight occur due to the amt of picts i put below*

Step 1 : open the sugar packet *Note: sugar packet and creamer muz be like the pict above. dun care if the colour diff juz same size.

Step 2: Open the packet of Creamer.

Step 3: Pour the WHOLE content of the creamer into the sugar packet. *Note: Sugar packet muz be open using the least amount of wasted packet ( meaning tear across the top)


A sugary taste like no other (Sunami said it tasted like those cookie wif Digimon typed coloured shit on top of a small biscuit)

Step 4: Consume the delicacy in anyway you like (up ur nose or uranus or do like wat normal people does : using their mouth.)


Words spelling pure ecstasy in different language written all over your face!


You will start to get sugar rush pretty soon

And in the end, you will end up like this.

Higher you climb the harder your fall eh?

For those who cant visualize the Sewel Sugar Rush or SSR, this is a video on the testing of the new product.

Sewel-licious will be proud :D

Be sure to stock ur resources up ya? Coz once is never enuf!

So, The official Unveiling of Creamer-in-Sugar is done (CiS). The name CiS was chosen coz it was the oni thing i can think up of.

SiC u say? but u noticed tt we put the CREAMER in the SUGAR so there fore, it suppoz to be CiS coz its CREAMER-IN-SUGAR!

Wif That,

This is



P.S. hope the vid works!

Posted by Mat Raffles at 12:19 AM