Thursday, September 18, 2008

Unknown is Known.... jengjengjeng

After all the merepeking around by the others, i figured that i should put an end to this. No, not a 'dead end', but more like a 'the end' and although 'the end's are mostly used in fairy tales, this one is not a fairy tail, neither is it an ox's tail nor a tailor, its known as a 'true tail'. True tails are real and not fake, so to all you people out there who think unknown is a makeup, well he aint, cause you cant put him on your faces.......

Back to unknown case, i think unknown is a real damn dumbshit name. you wanna noe why, not only the person dumbshit ah, but unknown is bloody random. Like, unknown can be anything... So be more specific. There are lots of unknowns to choose from; unknown A, unknown B, unknown C, unknown ..................Nyaejkjhskjaehii jeje BaBa......... unknown X, unknown Y and unknown Z. theres also unknown AB if you want to be more specific.

But actually, the use of unknown (wateva) is damn dumb cause its still damn random..... Why not call yourself Mr. X.................. this would be more specific as x is only one letter and can only refer to one thing. eh wait, oh yar, alamak, forgot, people now think mathematically...... so X is as random as X=X.... so why not name urself............... jengjengjeng

Mr. X= (pls fill in the barckets but dont use pen to fill in cause later ur monitor got permanent mark then not my problem)

So thats its, the identity of unknown......... you u dont already know, pls read the post again, and if you still dont noe, pls read it again, and again and again and read it till (X) times, where X is a positive integer and it equivalent or more or less equal to the exact value of the incredibly popular number, infinite. Still dont get it.......... k nvm

As Happee as can be,
a very happee person,


Posted by Mat Raffles at 9:06 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008

To Balls or not to Balls?

I have put ten of thousands of magnifying glasses with zoom power of x5 near the crotch of the fake unknowN who happeely, without a care in the world, decides do disguise himself using another innocent and black member of the blog. Despicable. Kesian the real unkown (his trademark typo). Caught in the middle like a bear trapped in a bear trap only with gajah and gajah fighting and the bear is in between. Ish ish ish. Ish warpel singh. So point number one, use your own name lah, nak pon, make up a new name so u dun rant and rave at the expense of poor bear.

Point number two, as i mntioned, i have excruciatingly scoured the bare land of unknowN's crotch and to my dismay (or utter delight?) i have found no signs of any form of balls. thats right. no balls. I just realised that it is fucking stupid to express your grouses on the tinytiny tagboard only to clog it up with useless name-calling. so, i have taken this initiative to express whatever i store in my mind (obviously theres not alot) in a PROPER POST. Thats right. If i was going to complaincomplaincomplaincomplaincomplaincomplaincomplaincomplaincomplain forever i might as well express it on the nicely decorated page of this blog. So i have a suggestion. either get the password for this blog and post something or get the fuck away from this blog which, in the famous Fuckle's words, we hold dear to our hearts.

Be a man. Do the right thing.

Im not saying im doing the right thing. God knows, i hardly do the right things. but at least im doing it right. this is the last fucking time im saying this. if you really got the guts and you reaally think that i or any other member of the blog have done any wrong, please, for the poor unkown's sake and your maruah (no balls in a man = no maruah. makes sense right?), confront us. If you dare. Let us know how u feel. scream at us. Cry in front of us. maybe even bring ur beloved Pu-No-Who for all i care. the imprtant thing is you stop hiding behind that mouldy green tagboard.ocs later the mould attack you. Then you foever no balls sia.

PS: haha aminah. nice one. i like outsiders giving their inside opinion on this issue. NAICE.

Yours Ballfully,


Posted by Mat Raffles at 8:14 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

heyy alls.
im back with a sack that i got on the rack in house of Jack and noticed i lack, not smack.i dont want any of that.
ok stop it may seem damn =.="
but its funwhen u play it with sewel at night as you lay down on the artificial field at night without thinking of all the studying and work to be done.
but then after that, BAM! the work drop on you loves doing in taupoks.
yes you can imagine how that hurts.

but it couldnt hurt more to suck up till someone gets dry, then realise it wasnt worth it at all. wait lemme highlight. 'AT ALL'

or maybe it could. when you dont understand much of a language and two people keep talking about anderson anderlei weeman oaktree aladdin mrmushroom and all. hahahah milkcin.go figure.

i wonder why they call it giler babi. ive never seen a babi giler. babi yes ah pat skola.
ouhh maybe its those babi hutan when theyre hunted by wild oompaloompas wwith sticks that end with sharp edges. much like....'insert name''s

actually its quite mundane now in school.with all the mugging and no time for fun.and going home early to breakfast at home.heeheeXP

and im so mundane i dont know what else to talk about.

and thanks for spending tme to read this. its better than the newspapers.

ouh and i pity patnick whos so distressed over something that came out today in the papers.

aniway, i wonder how itd be like next year :(

but yea lets have fun and kaciao aston martyn again.


and i saw a Mas inside there *makes horrific face like 5hotdogs stuck in the mouth and eyes like saw abg GAY when he saw AM's monster*cute one tho.

Posted by Mat Raffles at 10:18 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Bwahaha. Onlt this time, im not back. Im front.

Whee. the holidays came and went just like that. Like, i didnt even have time to unzip my pants before the pee starts gushing out. Ok, maybe the fact that we are puasaing accounts for it, but still??!! I'd expect more from the holidays. Okay, maybe ppl like me sedar sikit and try to start early for EOY, but in the end, its the same old story. After enthu-enthu start studying at an electrifying pace, I burn out and slack, leaving no trace whatsoever of any form of studying. To put it short-short, the holidays were a waste. At least we got to warmup our puasa before school starts. I would hate to start puasa immediately and witness some insensitive munjens purposely eating in front of us.

Nyaejkjhskjaehii jeje BaBa.

Our new anthem.

However, despite a slow start to the week, it really warms me (and i hate being warm cos being warm makes me thirsty. id rather be cold.) to know that i can pull out a lesson or two in life. First lesson, as painfully learnt by a certain bugger called Syafiq, is that teachers dont rule the world and it doesnt pay to act like ur on top the world. It only pays when u sit behind the table pretending to teach, like Pu-No-Who. See, i told u redi. Suck up to teacher is no use unless u can suck up to frens and other students who matter at the same time. Sibuk-sibuk nak suck up to Pu-No-Who, exco pon tak dapat. HAAH! a big H-A-A-H! goes to Syafiq. if u cant manage what i suggested might as well dun suck up at all and be urself. Like me. I cant suck up to teachers for nuts. Probably the reason for my glowing remarks in my PRs. Or if u truly are an ass, I have only one thing to say, FUCK OFF!

Haha. It really pleases me to the max to see all his hard sucking go to waste like u made RI builing made of cards only to have the current exco pull out one of the bottom cards. FOOOM. The whole thing goes down. Well done guys. Really. U really made my day. I still cant contain my excitement. Interesting to see how Syafiq turns out to be. Maybe he will be so depressed that he will start taking drugs and die early, not like AM, cos AM got stamina bebeh. Ok lah, i wont be so bad as to hope for him to die, but i do hope he, uh, i dono what unbad things i can say so i should stop. Puasa tau. Nanti batal, in the famous words of Martyn, as his shoe flew around the room.

Ah now we should discus Martyn. Kesian, baru sec 1 dah kena Dingolfee. Ok dah end of story. And i like ur gesture of contributing 5 dollars for Patnics birthday bag when ur own costs 6.1 times more, a handsome 183 dollars to be exact. Haha.

Btw HAPPEE BIRTHDAY PATNIC! This is special, as i am veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery sure he is the only non-mat who we care so much about to actually care about his birthday.

Alah, thats it ah. Dah penta. I dun even know if what i typed made senses. I do hope, however, that it made dollars.

Yours depressingly,



Whoops i dropped my name.

Posted by Mat Raffles at 8:07 PM