Sunday, August 17, 2008

hello wello all you dirty yellow mango fellows.
greetings and Assalamualaikum from me,
the one and only
eh please.applause please.standing ovu...ovation please.
since this is my first post, i shall talk about something that really has nothing to be talked about,
actually i dont know what to talk about.maybe randombandom.
Firstly, to all taggers, i am not babi.neither am i haram. i am baby halal
while stocks last.
and secondly, the only reason why everyone except she who must not be named rarely sees me praying is that because i hafal the surahs so well that i perform them so fast but im still khusyuk.:)

and tomorrow is math CCT. n OUH my invigilator is my form teacher who happens to be *bleeep*
guess who. shes not chio thats why her name not chio.
and ouhh after tomorrow, if you guys dont see me, please tell mum, dad, n all the others and my dear goldfish that i always talk about that i love them. coz prolly i sent myself to the zoo and jumped into the lion's enclosure.heeee

taaa people.

its AM coz...
its not PM

Posted by Mat Raffles at 10:02 PM

Monday, August 11, 2008

i'm not sure how many posts this is but i dont give a shit either.

hey people. Have you missed me? I have. Have you? You have? You have. Have I? I have. yayy!

ok enough with the shizzle and on with the... bizzle. Before going on to my post proper just have a few replies to the Great M (so great we don't need to spell his name for you =P) and his post. Number ONE, SATU, UNO, YI, UNDEBARYO: The issue of lameness. This blog has always been lame, to a certain extent (oh sheeet essay writing mode kicking in) and now, it still is as lame as ever. ok, maybe sometimes certain posters like mee overstep the invisible line seperating lameness and humour but still, you cant have siapatanya without the ability to laugh at lame shit. So while I agree with the Great M to keep the lameness from becoming too much, I still urge all posters to maintain a bit of lameness. As a guide, if I were to suddenly put in a joke about not making your lameness not let you walk, that would be too much. As Happeeman would say, cukup cukup cukup.

And that brings me to Number TWO, DUER, ER, ERRR, HUH: The issue of inside jokes. I think inside jokes are very very very important to Siapatanya cos it's a blog meant for matraffles by matraffles. We don't care if the PM, MM, SM and M&M read our blog and don't understand our humour. We don't care if some random girl from Temasek Poly doesn't get our jokes (see what I did there, hehehe). Heck, we don't care if the Bishan Gay thinks we're unfunny even if we make him horny. Inside jokes are fine as long as the inside people understand it too and its not too inside sampai the inside people also dont understand. If in doubt, think of Superman. Seluar inside put outside makes you look stupid. But people laugh at it.

Speaking of the BG, if you're a katak di atas tempurung then you should know by now that he's famous like Mr Brown or Mr Purple. where? here.
I remember when someone from the Sec 4 batch (Finch, I think) was bloody scared of him. I remember when I went into the j8 toilet, saw him inside, then went straight out and held my piss until I reached school. But guess what? He's not really gay. BUMmer (no dont get any ideas.). He just really really REALLLY lurves Bishan and is really just taking photos of the beautiful Bishan scenery. As in really. So next time he points his phone camera at one of you, just remember. It's not you, it's the tree behind you. So jangan perasan lah.

Ohkay if you got here thus far, I have to congragulate you. You're brave. Or stupid. Or have a lot of time. But anyway, since Forge has been pestering me like a pest for the videos, here they are.

First up, we have the trio of Forge, Patch and Fing with their silky soccer skills. Oh, and the ability to fall damn convincingly. I like the way Fing passes the ball, realises that the other guy didn't notice and passes it again. I also like the way Fing "juggles". Basically, WATCH FING.

And the second video I have, no idea how it got into my cd but anyway here's the epic battle between Hang Ayam and Hang Katak.

ok so I've done it. Now I can go study for chem. Oh waiittt did I just say CHEM? hahhahhha. (yes thats an inside joke. xD) Right before I leave I just had to share this with someone. If the cina manjens think that 8 is special cos it sounds like luck in chinese, then I think we should say fuck more often.

Good luck for Chem hahahahhaha,

ps: I notice at least 3 drafts inside the portal of posts. Goes to show, we're not dead, just hibernating. =)

Posted by Mat Raffles at 6:15 PM

Saturday, August 9, 2008

after a long time

what's up my bvudders.

long time since i've posted, and for good reason; i've been on top sikrit missions, which i will discuss in my blog tomorrow.

and i have a few suggestions for our sec 3 gymnast's nickname:

ok ah that's it. and in case you happen to take offence, no offence intended. its all for khumor and if you like any of them, NOICE!

ok i'll repeat somesing i've been saying a long sime ago.

korang nak post takmo inside jokhes ah! those who read won't understand. UNLESS. they're inside. and IF they are, it means its just you guys.
and THAT means... tak best. no global take-overship.

and btw, although i didn't hear your kompang performance, good job. i know its very hard to play a kompang, cos you have to balance it with one hand then the other hand hit, and knowing some of you are pussies, it'll probably hurt and you'll go crying to your mommy but NEVERMIND! eventually you'll cross over to the land of men and you'll look at your past and laugh at yourself, and then go and play a kompang and feel proud that it doesn't hurt anymore.

korang nak buat dikir tak? for any reason ah. or just for fun. kalau gitu after our exams ah. cos in rj everyone mugger mode, nak berak pon kenek bawak buku. macam sial ah...
and hwan more thing! aku nak join korang mandi at the myrtle's bathroom kat stadium. macam shiok sial! although got some people shiok sendiri (henceforth known as SS) show their *things* to others, EVEN THOUGH some of them on the way to SOLAT.

and before i go, aku nak bilang SOME people. two words of weezdom.
jangan. lame.

not that i want to be arrogant or anything or 'oh mavado rj already ah, fine, he too good for us' or 'ok ah fine, rjc, good lah' or 'ya lah now he treat us like that'.

i still love you guys like how i love my underwear... without it i'll feel empty. actually depends ah cos sometimes underwear can cause a lot of pain but NEVERMIND this is NOT the place to discuss underwear and... stuff.

back to what i wanted to comment on: the style where you talk sth like this: 'you can ask me. seriously. ask me. cos if you don't ask me you can't ask him. disclaimer: not asking me will result in me not answering which is BAD! so ask me! otherwise you KHREMGHOOL!'

see what i mean? repeat repeat something like some dick abeh in the end? INSIDE JOKE. and a lot of wasted space and unnecessary repetition.

according to my calculations, that would result in lotsa wind being formed which can sometimes cause hurricanes. AIYOH KORANG BUAT HURRICANE KEEMAX.

k ciao ah aku nak blah dee fool.

have fun in school and don't give a shit about the effing elitism and bullshit around you and GOOD JOB with keeping alive ze zpirit of SIAPATANYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
k serious i ciao bye

with lotsa wasted time,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 12:43 AM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Magic 100!

Hi there. im back after a break which wasnt so fast. a long break. not a breakfast. So im back after breaklong. yay.

Waw. First and foremost, this is officially the 100the post since the blog came up. Yup. amazing eh? despite our scarily busy schedules, we still manage to carve out 100 posts. all in good spirit. So yeah. Well done boys. See lah. This is wad happens when u study in an all-boys school. you mix with the only obvious gender there is and u end up becoming retarded fucknuts with nothing to do. Actually we have. Just that to us, studying is a piece of cake. Its virtually nothing to us so yeah. Technically weve got nothing to do, if you know what i mean. heheh.

Now, since this is the 100th post, it has to be special. Now, what special thing is there that is worthy of the 100th post? i dono. maybe some pron (typo is intended to indescretely hide the real word.) ? Nah. this is a family blog. Meant for happee families leading happee lives and all is well until, FUCK! yes thats it. FUCK! haha. hows that for a family blog? now ur mum will scold u for bisiting this blog. for Forge's case, he'll probably get disowned. For that, im sorry.

Eh sick man how to get good testimonials sia? like the only two things i have to be proud about are now starting to make me feel like my testimonial is going to look like a tissue after u wipe ur ass with it. First is rugby. i always tell myself that if i fail in studies, i can fall bakc on rugby. now my rugby is falling on me. See lah. thats what u get for ponning all the pts. and now angmoh dun like me redi. like i care. go wear a bra lah for gods sake. and mcc. I give alot to mcc, contribute in all the ways that a lowly member can give and what do i get in return? Pu no who hating me to the core to the blood vessels to the bone to the dma to the protein strands. thats how much she hates her. for me, i hate her the same way she hates me, just i have to go through many more layers of fats than she has to go through when she hates me.

I heard insider opinions that Pu No Who is going to not give nice comments to all of us. I bet she will give the nice comments to the KC in sec3. see lah. This goes to show how very berat sebelah she is to the ppl who suck up to her. eh salah. she not berat sebelah only. she is simply berat. yeap.

Waw. MR Sentil. U asked for more info on that guy we call Tony Bear. Sialah he now so kedi to even come into the room when we are in it. i say FUCK HIM!!! like u so excellent come punish us laa. shine ur torchlight everywhere to the cieling oso no use if u nv do anything right? but hes not the problem now. the new problem is....Nodick. yeap, his malay counterpart. hes like some fucked up hypocrite, tell us to behave well cos we are muslims. well, at least we go solat sia. eh, AM, dun laff. i know u oso nv solat. just that at any time of the day, when ppl ask whether u solat redi, even if its like 10am, u confirm say dah solat. haha. we know u AM.

Eh, i dono why, but i feel like making this blog more family-oriented, since families play an important role in ur own upbringing. Because of this, i feel that it is my duty to introduce u to a company that can fix ur computers for u and also provide an extra service.


Haha. i think most of u can guess what the extra service is. for more clarification on this service, please call 97672177. (disclaimer: before calling, if ur actually dumb enuf to call, pls rmb to speak like a chinese boy so the operator cant guess who u are.) heheh. for u fucknuts who want to call, have fun. and i daresay, u will. if u do call, pls share ur experiences on the tagboard or even better still, make a post out of it!

Eh for those who still believe that this is a family blog, FUCK! hah. now i hope u see the true nature of this blog. Fun-loving, interesting and most importantly, fuck-loving. not to forget Fing-loving.

Well that was fun. now i just have to go and do my RE report and my malay practice paper. thats all. so little. HAPPEE 100TH ANNIVERSARY SIAPATANYA!

Eh no not anniversary cos though it isnt a virgin anymore, siapatanya isnt married yet. so happee 100th post!

signing on a piece of paper (you sign off for wad, stupid ah?)


Posted by Mat Raffles at 8:50 PM