Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dertile Nemisis

Shit u dertile beat me first post

Freack u dertile. I will post more pictures and videos than u man u will see.

This i what happens if u fail to eat ure food and u leave it lying under the aircon in the malay room for a month.

Shit man look at tt. Yea i noe wad u all thinking. "Oh shit man this looks like Nanis brain". But actually its not. (Looks more like Ton-abehs one anyway.) ah. Its the hulks shit. If u dare eat it then u will like get food poisoning and nd to spend the next 4 days in hospital doing nothing but lying down and watch tv. Can lose like 7 kg in 10 days summore. So if u lazy and fat ah (ahemahem) iaghialghlaskgnldkhgnagkla;kng'adlgAMshg'awshgdds'hg'peoghdgojiohaoigahalsjkadgnalsdjgld

then u can eat this shit. Hulk's shit.

But strongly not recommended ah cos u will miss a lot of sch and then homework will come like the big tetek rugby teacher coming to the nice-ass malay teacher (not nani man) when she gt ache at her wonderful thighs. Like dam mega whoosh suddenly gt homework and u cannot finish for sure. Not like somebody (ahemahem) cares anyway lol.

This is Mr hockey guy with iPhone but no codename carrying dertile (or zeks?) after marrying him at an-nadhah mosque last friday. Dam romantic but sorry man its too dam gay.

Nah a puzzle set brilliantly by the brains of dertile, happeeman, muzzle AND ZEKS altogether. If u can solve it then power. The correct words ah on the correct side up and the irrelevant crap letters are all upside down. If u cannot solve then tomorrow u watch out.

Aiya cannot solve oso i give u answer. See i tell u alr its dam genius. GENIUS. But the gajah wasnt supposed to be there ah cos it ruins the perfect sentence. Tts just the "title" of the whole thing. Nani the Gajah. A Favourite Child-Tale. Suitable for ages 5 and below and dertile.

Muka lawa posing eh. He trying to better the video Mr Gymnastics-muscle guy with no name made but he obviously fail. Dah its a valiant effort and good try.

Dah he now trying to convert his "good try". If u didnt get this one, u slow giler. Or u sewel giler. Or u ate the Hulk's shit and u cannot think straight.

OK this one last picture. I swear no porn or violence. Its just dam cool how she does it. Add Sound effects too hor cos its a bit matching.

OK last video to piss dertile off and rub shit on his wounds. TEN-TEN! Taken from someones blog btw. If u dun get it oso, watch again man. If still dun get it,watch again. If still cannot get, watch one more time. If still cannot then fuck u, go to bed now and hope u dream tt someone tell u how to think and use ure brain.

Dah tts all (for now).


ps dertile MUAHAHHAH tts like 4 pictures and 2 videos more than u. BEAT TT!!!

Posted by Mat Raffles at 8:48 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The tile


Wah, the blog is dead seh. Everyone must be studying for malay, like i do everyday. serious sia, thats why i get so high. high like the sky. punowho go and die.

So, since I am a person who doesnt talk alot and is very quiet in class (especially melayu), i will entertain you with videos!

Thats some very rare footage of a very rare scene, AM solat-ting. Rare, right? Like care bear. Care bear solat. Care bear ambik drugs lepas tu solat. Solat a whole 2 minutes. How iman is that. Although you cannot see it, She who must not be named is actually watching him solat, and being very happy like happeeman and orgasm-ing because she managed to make AM solat. AM, on the other hand, is verry happy that he solat because he smile the whole time. Or maybe he thinking about something else. How khusyuk/khushuk/kotek is that?

Speaking of happy,
Happeeman! Cute eh?

Now another video, which will make you go "WHAT THE F-", featuring our very own Khai as the narrator! And Sec 3 gymnast with no codename yet!

What the F-


P.S. see la Fing make me wait for you to tell me my colour. Now cannot do melayu.

P.P.S. dingolfee someone who is unknown :D Ok ah cukup. Must study.

Posted by Mat Raffles at 10:07 PM

Monday, July 7, 2008

a series of retarded events.

so yeah ppl, i'm actually posting again.. WEEEEEEE!!!!!

Anyway, i'm just here to put up some videos of a few dols having slippery sliddy fun. This happened when one of the cleaners mopped the floor but then it rained, so the ramp thing was all soapy and slippery. ;P or at least that's our story.


just wait for awhile, ur in for a surprise :P

wooookay, so that's it for me now.

yours truly never fakely but sometimes trakely,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 7:42 AM

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Toh nee Bear gets even more UnBEARable. x<

Siala, Tony Bear strikes back again today bearbearh! The damn na-bearh managed to bring out the inner hulk within Ngok (the skipping track skipper, who hasn't been posting for reeeeaaaaallly long, mind you) as Ngok tried to defend our very lovable gedega friend Toe-in-my-knee bear 'cornered' ngok, nicglim, finch and gedega (i'll call you this temp. xD) like some super sexy corner kick and gave hell to gedega for a crime he didnt commit. Daaaamn double standard like what, siul. Shows juz how bloody shitty racist tony blair, i mean bear, really is. Oh ya, forgot to mention today he wasnt wearing his retarded cap, which made him look even more sememek.

Anyway, bearbear came and fucked around, saying gedega go into mat room lah, this lah, that lah, "i-never-see-you-at-the-door-means-you-go-in-the-room" lah, dunno what other cockshit lah. Whereas all our innocent friend did was just stand outside the room and talk to the peepz inside. Wah, so now even stoning outside the door also crime isit??? Damn basket. So, ngok tried his best to clear our dear friend's name, but bearbear come cari even more pasal go call the teacher with very soft balls. Unsurprisingly, the faggot of a teaacher sided with the fucking racist bear who does not deserve to even be called a bear cuz it is an insult to bears, and the situation got more bloody complicated.

Cut long story short, the bear-sket got his way and we all kena sai for shit we didnt even do wrong. The teacher also damn fing retarded (sorry fing) - dont even know the situation proper come talk a lot of shit. I was initially neutral about tona-bearh at first, but after finally witnessing what kinda screwed up shit he does, its time to take a stand. The anti-bear association has gotten itself a new member. xP

Bear hunting season is officially open. Cant bear to see bear bearing around anymore. totally wotally unbearable. Dammit. Tahan bear-ak cair also more bearable than having to bear with tony bear. Down with tony bear. Forge line people, you have my support.

Singing off (once again, not a typo),

Posted by Mat Raffles at 11:35 PM