Sunday, January 20, 2008

okayokay, since fing insisted we show the vids taken during the ruggers' hong kong trip, i guess i should post it up for the public to see what idiotic IDIOTS we are when no ones looking... when we are locked up in a room at 4 am HONGKONG time (which is the same as singapore by the way), with nothing but whipped cream, adrenaline, testosterone and a whole lot of malay idiocy. oh and i would like to apologise to budak giler cause he seriously didnt want us to put it up for the public's viewing. but since fing's persuasiveness overrules, i guess its unavoidable. but i shall be kind. i will not name anyone in the video and its up to you guys to guess who's who and which secret name belongs to who and who's the commentator (AND THATS THE HARDEST GUESS). ill give you a clue, its none of us. haha!

okay a brief introduction the the video. we couldnt strip avinash cause he was real violent. we even tried playing unoo with him and if he could win us three times, he wont get stripped. but, as you all shouldve guessed, he ended up getting + 24 cards each game. unfortunately he wiggled his way out of the room and escaped.

the whipped cream was brought by one of the mats, (forgot who). you see, in hongkong, almost every speck of food there will have pork in it. so we mats brought our very own stash of maggi, nutella, biscuits and whipped cream(??) for the trip. thus we decided to put the whipped cream to good use instead of wasting it...

so we made a story, of 4 idiots, and we named it "the last idiot" - enjoy..

okay. so the next night, we decided to be more ambitious and break into OTHER peoples rooms.
the best we could get was this....

thats all for now.
till next time,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 9:03 PM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back To School Life

Hey all! This is my first post in like, um, 105236 years. So yeah, forgive me if i'm a bit rusty. Anyone got lime? Or is it lemon? ( at this point, some of you might be going -.-" lame...)

But hey, thats a start.

Haha, first of all, let me apologize even though it's too late to apologize. Apologize for not keeping you all updated on things like the recent Honk Kong Rugby Tour, which, I assure you, was much more fun than bullying Sewel. Sorry Sewel, but Fuckle is right, you should stand up for yourself. Seriously, i am serious. Anyway, although we promised some people, like Ngok, that we would strip Avinash and record it all, we found that we just couldn't. Here's why. When we remember to strip him, we were on the bus on the way to training. Then, when we finally cornered him, he started waving a heavy glass cup at us and started to whip anyone, anyone who was around, including the ever innocent me, with his belt. We (Stittalicious, Budak Giler, Happyman and I,Fing) eventually gave up when he finally locked himself up in his room to read Playboy. Tsktsktsk. Naughty boy.

That was not all. Thanks to Happyman, we all had a damn fun time during the resting time. Why? Because he acted like how a mat should act; he bought his PS2. It was so much fun that it inspired us to do more stupid stuff, like buy whipped cream (this will be covered in the future by Muzzle, i hope.) sprayed everyone and other stuff mats do when given a bottle (or is it a can?) of whipped cream. Indeed, i pity Sewel who couldn't come, probably too caught up being bullied by other people. Sorry again, Sewewl.

Ok thats that and school has started. Hands up whoever who would rather be at home sleeping than going to school. EEEEEE. i can see all your armpit hair. Go and shave lah. Especially you, Patch. Yes you. Don't try to hide. I can still see the bits of hair sticking out of whatever you are wearing. Go and shave.

Oh, several people, like a hyperactive crazy pervertic and horny boy called Dertile has been insisting that we Sec 4s hand part of the ownership of this sacred blog to you sec3s, who will probably post porn or use it to get more GFs. But i think that before you unzip your pants, you all should ensure that your dicks are neat and cicumsised (not sure how u spell it...). What i meant was that before you get the blog, you all should prove yourself and do what mats do. Anyway, as i have posted, we will give you the blog when the time is right, which i think is near the Death weeks, when you all are supposed to be studying instead of posting stupid stuff. So sec 3s, be patient. Someday, just someday, the blog will fall into your sick, dirty hands.

Okay. I guess thats all for now. Oh and please do try to include the sec 2s in our mat activities, as they are quite nice, just that they are also idiotic. Nah, just kidding. I think we should try to at least be friends with them. Ok, as for now, do try to keep out of trouble, yes, i know, its unavoidable, especiallt with people like Dertile around, but at least restrain yourself from fucking around until the sec 1s get intoour community. See'ya!


Posted by Mat Raffles at 9:46 PM

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And days of old long past.

Hello everyone. It's 2008 and the my first new year's resolution was to update this damn blog since it has been dead for quite awhile. Don't blame us. It's the holidays. We're just taking a break. But now, we're re-opening so you dumbfucks can start entertaining yourselves again.

So well, it's 2008. Like FINALLY! Like WAWAWEEWA! 2007 was a good year. A great year in fact. A year of CCTs, EOYs, DEATH WEEKS and whatnots. But still a year where I think we really really bonded. I was just thinking of the biggest cover-up in history. Seriously, like whoa man. Then there was so many other things. Towel Wars, trUSt Game, Liquid Explosion, studying for EOYs in the mat room, soccer here there everywhere, our Sexybutt fan club at Rafflesian Spotlight, just to name a few. As we move on to bigger things, let's keep those have-beens close to our hearts. Okay, don't emo already. Wait you all cry then I don't know ah sia.

In a few days' time the Sec 3s will be at OBS having a shit load of fun. The Sec 4s will be leading the way as the hope of a better age. And we, the J1s will be slacking our asses off. HAHAH! Tomorrow it's back to waking up at 5.45 a.m. taking the MRT and walking to school. Wow, what fun. But let's be optimistic. There'll be no more Tan Chiou Yen! LIKE YEAHHHH!!!!!!! Fuck, I hope she dies.

Okay, let's move on to more important stuff. Like this.


Imagine if Mavado was the last man on earth. Like what the helll. Fancy leaving the earth in the hands of someone like him. Shit man. Like we're already screwed. And now MAVADO?! Like so super screwed man. He'll probably take advantage of the situation and piss and shit in open or something. The bloody fucknut.

And now, even more important stuff.

Hady Mirza, Singapore Idol, now Asian Idol?!

He couldn't believe, I could not believe it, you couldn't believe it, Asian couldn't believe it. But what the helllllll.

Yeah, you better believe it man. I know ah this news dah basi but this blog has been dead and it is currently re-living the past if you know what I mean. If not, go cebok your jubuh. Besides, who gives a shit? I'm still proud of this guy. He so super owned the rest ah. Pwn sia. GGXX. Noob sia the rest. AltQQ ah. Uber good seh. In your FACE, Paul Moss-ibat. The name sounds like some species of algae or something. Honey, can you please clean the pond? There's Paul Moss growing everywhere. Like FUCK YOU! HADY WON! In the words of the judge from India, "I don't like your woice. I lowe your woice!". Wery wery nice.

So tomorrow, it's back to school. If any of you guys still in RI get Tan Chiou Yen, I bid you good luck. But please give her hell like what me and Mavado did. Just kill her lah. I really want her to die. Put a snake in her car or something. For us J1s, I think it's gonna be damn fun at the start. But let us not forget about our studies. Like 'A' Levels sia. Like sial ah. Mati sial. So please don't party, party, no need study. Please study, study, sampai nak mati. For people like Mavado, like I know there's a damn small hope of you doing well but still no harm studying right? Good luck ah to all you and to myself also.

Until next time, so long fuckers,

P.S. There's a new game coming up. Something me, Stittalicious, Ngok and Budak Giler came up with. It's called King of the Bottles. So stay tuned or piss off you retards.

Posted by Mat Raffles at 2:49 PM