Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How To Seduce a Guy

Guess who's back?
Back again.
Fuckle's back!
Mavado's BLACK!


Anyway, for all you girls there and maybe some homos, here's a useful video. It's by our very own senior who is still much loved today, SYAFIQ!

Use it wisely. For he who conquers this power, will fcuking tackle any guy. It's not that easy as it seems. For even I, the Great One, has only succeeded once while tackling Fernando Torres. So yeah, work on it. Practice hard and long. It is worth the time. For soon you will see, you will be able to tackle anyone. Even maybe, just maybe, Fuckle.

With Regrets,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 8:48 PM

Hockey and Coffee-Mate

Assalamualaikum semua!
Pak Haji dan Puan Hajjah yang baru balik Umrah,
Selamat datang kepada SIAPA TANYA!


Okay, cut the jokes, I tell you! Right now! Bring me the scissors, knife or whatever! There is no time for jokes! So many matters at hand to deal with! SNIP! SNIP! THERE! IT'S DONE! YIPPEEEDOODLEDOOOO!!!!!

Firstly, the HOCKEY 'C' Boys basically thrashed Yuhua 5-1! In addition to that, our very own member, Oiii decided to go and get himself a goal. A very suspicious one indeed as fellow team mates said it was actually an own goal. So, Oiii, we need your side of the story. Come on, snail. Don't be shy. The story will be interesting, fascinating, sexciting but most of all, BORING like J.K ROWLING! HAHAHAHA! Okayokay. There are quite a few mats in the team. Sotong, Dertile, Zeks and Oiii. So, well done dols!

Now, we move on to food. FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD! The mats in Raffles have a fetish for a certain weird snack. Often left outside Seminar Room 8 are sachets and sachets of this wonderful snack. So what do we do? We take them. No, not steal! We take. This certain snack gives us pleasure beyond imagination. OH, THE PLEASURE! It brings about fluffy white clouds and rotten tomatoes. YUUUUUUUMY! *smacks lips and licks noses*. Many of you right now would be wondering what this special snack is. Be patient my friends kerana sabar itu separuh iman. NOOO!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I NEEEDDDD........



It's so good you can even eat it on its own.



Although, I think it's super nice!

With Hunger,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 7:52 PM

Monday, July 30, 2007


Okay, you buggers. I edited the blog again to make it less girly as some of you have brought up. Also, take note that secrecy is now being practised to avoid the wrath of She Who Must Not Be Named and Pu-No-Who.

Therefore, I urge all of you to post. Do not be afraid my comrades, for the good will always triumph. This is MADNESS??!!! THIS IS SIAPA TANYA!!! AHHOU! AHHOU! AHHOU!

Anyway, watch out for posts concerning a certain Others, Great View, Combattenti Di Libertà and the full story of how Siapa Tanya came about. So stay tuned like the Looney Tunes you dumbasses.

Yours Truly(sumpah tak bedek),

Posted by Mat Raffles at 10:44 PM

I DON'T KNOW. 30072007 Oiii..

Hello (:

For now,
it's my first post
on this blog so i just have to
type like this to make the post
look long okay? "Penuh Boss"
Now, guess who am i?
I also don't know!
Gelak, kiki kaka.
Oh no,
tomorrow already got 2nd round for HOCKEY.
Against YuHua somemore.
And this year C-DIV not so good as the B-DIV i think.
Doakanlahku. Terima kasih.
Kalau menang, baik ah.
Kalau kalah, entah la.
Ghostly ghost is here to haunt the spongebob fans and friends.
Fawaz, watch out. o.O


Posted by Mat Raffles at 10:21 PM

Towel Wars?

I just had to put this up. We do all kinds of stupid stuff in the Mat Room after school every single day. Sebagai pola, towel wars, throw balls here and there and pretty much just lepak. This issue is about towel wars. It is a newly invented game where we use towels to whip each other. The term 'wars' refers to a more large scale and wilder event. However, the video below is a towel duel. It is where two persons bravely take their turns to whip each other. It is as they all say a gentleman's game. Enjoy!

Main Characters: Fuckle and Fing
Cast: Shit load of Malays
Cameraman: Patnic

Oh! SWEETUH! Sounds area all real and they're really good!


With Pain,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 12:20 AM

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Of Riang Ria Raffles and Drama Feste

Hey there you bloody baboons! On Saturday, yesterday, we had Riang Ria Raffles (R3) which was a combined CIP between RI and RGS. It was really good like a goodie bag and it exceeded all my expectations. I must congratulate both the RI and RGS Exco for organizing it as well as a wishing well. You're gonna make me say it aren't you. You egoistic creatures. Fine! EVILL EVIILLL! Congratulations! There you go!

Okay, so the kids came and they were really tiny and cute and fortunately, Michael Jackson or Mavado wasn't there. There was Huzaimy, Wan, Zamzam, Aqil and a lot more. Me, Sotong and Stittalicious were in charge of the Sepak Takraw station while Mavado was shitting at some corner of the world. I call it binary fission. HAHAH! Joking joking! Mavado was at some imaginary concert and thus, his absence. So we played takraw the whole day and some of the kids were really good like Izwan, Amirul, Rabani and Faiz. They were the C4 man! So yeah, me and Stittalicious have blue blacks on our hips from doing all kinds of stunts during the day. Pretty darn stupid!

Pu-No-Who was being a Pu-No-Who as she scolded some of us for not doing anything at the end. Easy for her to say, when she disappeared halfway through. She probably went to find where she left her panties or something. She sounded like a robot from Transformers once though. HAHAH! Nevermind, what's done is done. At this very moment, a top secret group is being formed as a form of rebellion. It's Dumbledore's Army once more people. So you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not put, I'm telling you why, the rebels are coming to town! SECTUSEMPRA! *points Elder Wand to Pu-No-Who's punani*. I think I better stop here. As I said, it is a secret group and if I don't stop, the whole point of the secret group being secretive will no longer be a secret. MUFFLIATO! Get it? I guess not.

So after the CIP, we slacked around until Drama Feste which was a continuation from Friday. At this point I'd like to thank Stittalicious for getting us KFC. You were our knight in a shining bra. Drama Feste was superb. I loved Hullett's play although the judges were being bastards and Hullett barely won't anything. If only I could perform the Cruciatus Curse there and then. HMPF! So yeah, we're all sorry for you Sexybutt. Your play was obviously under-appreciated. However, the real winners of the whole thing should be the hosts. Akash (I think) and some munjen. They were damn funny! David, clear all the shit and dump it to that side of the ocean. For in years to come, it will be known as America! HAHAHA! Bloody brilliant!

Well, so the whole of today I was busy setting this blog up instead of studying for tomorrow's Chemistry test. So you bloody buggers better start using it. Or I'll just Avada Kedavra the whole lot of you and make meself 4356348672398 Horcruxes. About the Chemistry test, I'm pretty much screwed. What the hell is Electrolysis? Fcuking retards who came up with it should have just went to Hogwarts. That's it then. Remember, She Who Must Not Be Named is always watching even if she is seeing through Pu-No-Who's eyes.

Mischief Managed,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 10:01 PM

Selamat Datang! (Welcome!)

Selamat datang ke blog Siapa Tanya! Blog ini merupakan suatu ruang yang baik bagi para pelajar Melayu Institusi Raffles untuk meluahkan perasaan-perasaan mereka, pengalaman mereka yang baik ataupun buruk dan sebagainya. Para pelajar yang ingin menerima maklumat yang terkini tentang aktiviti-aktiviti Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Institusi Raffles (PBMIR) juga boleh merujuk ke blog ini. Saya merayu kepada para pengguna blog ini supaya jangan menggunakan bahasa yang tidak sesuai demi kemajuan blog ini. Saya pasti dengan penggunaan yang betul, blog ini tentu akan makmur. Dengan itu, di atas semua perhatian dan kerjasama dan kamu semua berikan, saya dahului dengan ribuan terima kasih.

Translation: For all you buggers who don't understand the beautiful language of Malay please fcuk off!

HAHAHA! Just kidding!

What's written above is just a facade just in case She Who Must Not Be Named sees this blog. We all know the only language she understands is the beautiful Malay Language. Then again, she is the Dark Lordess and we all know that since Voldy is a Parselmouth and can speak to snakes, She Who Must Not Be Named must be a Pepekmouth and can speak to certain species of the reptilian family also such as lizards and insects like cockroaches. That's why till this day, she and Lipas can comprehend each other. Therefore, this blog has to be kept top secret so as to avoid the evil clutches of She Who Must Not Be Named. For all of you who have mouths as big as Grawp's anus, I kindly request that you try to keep it shut or we who hold this blog so dearly will take necessary action upon you.

Now, to the main event. Welcome, welcome to The Greatest Blog on Earth! Yes, The Greatest Blog on Earth! Once again, The Greatest Blog on Earth! What's that again? The Greatest B..okay that's enough you dumbass! As I said in Malay, this blog is for all you Malays in Raffles Institution to let everything out. Vent all your frustration on She Who Must Not Be Named or Pu-no-who yang berbulu, tell the world of your painful memories in Seminar Room 5 and 6 or elsewhere and such. And hell, for some of you nutters we will try to keep you laggers up to date of MCC events. Hell, for you sad people who don't understand Malay, Siapa Tanya means Who Asked in English. It's a long and lame story. Trust me, by the time I tell you the whole thing you'd have jumped down the Empire State Building. It's that stupid.

I think we should all thank Mavado for kindly helping us to set up this blog. It's not that he's the only one who's smart enough to set up a blog but just that he's the only stupid one to carry out such an act. HAHAHA! Joking, joking! So once again, thank you Mavado.

On a side note, please take care of what you say here so as not to lend yourselves in prison for defamation and slander although we all know you can Alohomora yourselves out but that's not the point. There're still the Dementors and all and we doubt you guys are true Animagi to hide your fears and such. So yeah, just watch out cause She Who Must Not Be Named is always on the lookout. And for all you, dimwits who are not embarrassed to be in the Raffles Malay community and aim to be famous, you can link yourselves from this blog. Just like what Severus has done although secretly. Lastly, we need some people who are good at designing the blog to come help us because we don't understand shit about HTMLMNOP, CSSTUVWXYZ and all that. Yeah, so come help us for the greater good.

Oh yeah, since Mavado will be writing in green, I, Fuckle, will be writing in white. Don’t forget to use different colours from one another and sign off using your nickname at the end. This will help ensure our safety from She Who Must Not Be Named, Pu-No-Who and hell, even Others. Yeah, so that's about it.


All characters in this blog are entirely fictional. Any resemblances to any existing persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

With Love,

Posted by Mat Raffles at 5:08 PM

Friday, July 27, 2007



after lotsa procrastination (hey, why couldn't someone else set up the frickin blog? its all me. ME. ME. ME!!! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!)

i'm mavado.

and i set up this bloody blog. YES. let it be repeated hundredfold. THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD MUST KNOW HOW MUCH EXCRUCIATING PAIN I WENT THROUGH TO GET THIS DONE.
i'll probably be typing in green in other posts too, but even if i don't you'll know its me anyway. you will know whose screwed up thoughts you are hearing in each post, trust me. the mat raffleses have developed a complex method of identification, which we call 'putting your nickname in the post'. truly genius.


this blog is for anything and everything we wanna post. that includes a shitload of vulgarities, obscene stories, painstaking recollections of painfully stupid events, and any damn thing we feel like posting. its OUR blog. don't complain. its not for the complaining type. YOU HEAR THAT!

and now, as i type this, most of the mats are at Dramafeste at school, which probably ended at 10. the reason why i'm not there is because i can't stand the way some people act. true, they all put in a hell lot of effort, but sometimes any effing amount of effort cannot result in miracles, and the product is a crappy looking performance where the actors put in so much shitty expression, revelling in their moment of glory, but end up looking like super berangan dols with bloody bullshit accents.

they make the really good actors look bad.

and, swerving back to topic, the mats don't know that this blog is finally up. so i'll press my Dark Mark and alert everyone of the birth of this new Horcrux, inviting everyone to come feed their soul to it to make Voldemort more powerful. shit i can't help it, i'm too bloody addicted to Harry Potter. how i so bloody wish there really was such a thing as magic. i may just go mad wishing so hard.

and i'm done.

i've got stuff to do. dunno what, but there MUST be something else to do, so i'll start looking for it now.
if you're one of the first readers of this blog, then whatever.
no, seriously. i don't give a shit about that. why should i!

alright i'm really kidding. good for you, one-of-the-first readers. pray you'll remember this blog and keep checking back, and maybe some day tell your grandchildren about this amazing blog.

and since no one's watching, i'll do something evil. i'll promote
my blog! HAHAHAHAHAH! click the link!

see ya!


Posted by Mat Raffles at 9:58 PM